Daria Morgendorffer

Just a reminder to your relatives: this is how they were dressing in the 1960's. Girls, today, did not invent legs and midriff. It’s just that no one really cared.

Pro tip kids- don’t form a band with your brother. Some famous feuds:

I was always Team Blur because Oasis were so bloody chippy. Nice to see some things never change.

Nothing. Leave me alone with my phone, weird coffee shop guy.

Is this shade or a read tho? Either way it was masterful Obama goodness. I am trying really hard to understand the difference.

I think Taylor hates Kendall’s living breathing guts. Like, HATE. But she cannot say anything and has to play along and get her up on her tour stage because not to bring her up would have been a scandal. I mean, she was bringing up every famous woman alive, if she had left Kendall out tabloids/social media would have