Daria Morgendorffer

It’s obvious and sad and bears repeating: there have been a lot of amazing women who we will never hear about because only men were allowed to keep track.


Um, what about THIS classic??? You fucking lit snobs.

YAY! I love this!

It’s... it’s embroidered! Has EGR seen this? It’s so beautiful!

Ha. This was the palate cleanser I needed after that goddamn review. Jesus Christ.

Jfc. Superman, the superhero who spent a solid 70 years fighting for “truth, justice, and the American way” is an undocumented alien who’s not even from this planet, but somehow no one gives him a hard time about not being “American.” Correctly.

I think because no one bothered clicking the link in the first paragraph.

The New York Post also thought it was necessary to write a whole piece about how this Amazon from Themyscira is less American than ever, which I’m afraid is going to not get nearly enough attention while everybody rushes to pat themselves on the back for finally liking a DC movie. She may be 1,000 years old. She may

Haha, I didn’t even know about the Vulture piece but this is obviously satire.

No one in Themyscira cares about your boner.