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There was a simmering anger about people like me — "Social Justice Warriors"

the best an avatar game is going to get is as a rip off of those dragonball fighting games
sort of like how naruto is

are you the same guy that posted those how its made videos?

yeah he should just start his own channel and leave shitaku

what is this? ps2?

i dont believe anything they say

Also with how bitterly toxic and unhinged people related to games have been this year, I really wouldn't take that as an empty threat.

of course youd be tired of gamergate if youre losing advertisers

this is amazing
rational people commenting on gawker?
#gamergate must have won

are you serious about not getting the joke?

did you often get attacked by porcupines?

my triggers!

if this kickstarter fails im just giving up on kickstarter

"is there a vegan alternative to the gelatin bump pads" - hipster getting ready to be mad

youtubers were the reason they started getting paid. they were like were making the content why don't we get a cut of the advertising.
then they got greedy. they were like yeah we could totally become lazy shits and when people tell us to get a real job we'll point them to our tshirt site.

do you live in some fantasy land where women are equal to men?

heaps of people with a voice get death threats
but why would anyone be killed over their views on gaming?
do you think any of you dorks have the balls to kill someone?
even if she did get threats shes being an idiot about it

when work calls me i let it go to voicemail so i can hear what times they need covered before i decide to call back or not

you sound poor