you still believe that clock story?
you still believe that clock story?
if your stomach has bulges and has rolls when youre standing then youre fat.
if you only have rolls when you sit or bend then youre average.
if your rolls are like less than an inch thick then youre skinny.
if the majority of the fat is in your boobs and ass and not your stomach then youre curvy.
japanese gamers are fucking lame
white privilege guys
if a man says im a 200lb tub of lard and i still fuck women daily then thats something to celebrate
guys arent fucking amy because shes hot
theyre fucking her because they can
back in my day people committed suicide because they just went on a killing spree
yeah EB games in australia has been selling think geek stuff for a few years now
whats with everyone marrying fat chicks these days?
can they even pronounce “crazy experience”?
its pretty impractical to have a country let each state run things like theyre their own country
people think im trolling but sometimes its my actual opinion and sometimes i just want to know why people believe what they do and if it isnt just the internet hive mind
so now women are jealous of fictional characters too
if brianna wu was trying to kill him shed just eat his brains
since shes a zombie
is this buzzfeed?
i actually didnt mean to write my comment as a reply to you
but yes thats what my point was