
I only have two things to say about this trailer and that's fuck Call of Duty. And secondly this multiplayer demo was badass but It made it less badass because It was scripted so damn hard.

Now playing

The ending got me as soon as this song started playing.

I'm running 2 560Ti's in SLI and I'm still hitting max fps on everything I play so hang in there a bit longer!

You just made my night.

Now playing

10 years later and this is still the only game I could turn on just for the sole purpose of just watching the the intro/main menu.

Somebody please make a Gif of Quark going. "Where's the dubstep!?"

I still want a Dark Cloud 3.

Pretty fucking cool if you ask me, I can't even draw a good stick figure!

Pretty damn sweet if you ask me, I can't even draw good stick figures!

Damn of the 10 comments I got on this post at least someone understands.

Girls in cosplay don't want to be objectified but here's a Moxxi grabbing her boobs. The sense this does not make, but good great cospaly nonetheless.

Dude I did the same thing!

Now playing

As an avid Socom player I still miss hearing her voice after well deserved clutch win on seals.

At least they put my favorite part in at the end. WUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUB

This may be a good time for be to get back into it considering the last time I played I was on the last mission and my save was corrupted. I was having a blast not killing anyone with Corvo and mabye on Daud's side ill kill my way to victory.

Don't worry Vasid lots of people still haven't realized that we're all one.

I still don't know how or why she is still here.

That was the shittiest thing I've ever played and if your that depressed about getting a haircut then you might as well off yourself.

Haha that's what my dad used to do when I was younger. He would slit the package open and leave them in a good spot for who knows how long and goddamn the difference is amazing.