

So your one of the people who would knock on my door every weekend even after I told you to eat me and shut the door on your face? Keep thy religion to thyself.

Call me what you want but once I hit this part-

Thanks to you I spend the past 30 minutes on the wiki reading theories on the hat trying to figure out the mystery of the that I've wondered for so long.

Oh dude! I happen to have just ordered that and RE6 to play over my vacation and man its hard enough on easy mode. I'm hoping after the ending I get after this play through I can go for a bigger challenge but man I suck at it T___T.

As a person that has switched to PC gaming I agree with you. There's a nothing a new console that can offer me that I can't already do on my PC

When I go shopping for food and I think of strawberries I think of those mutant ones they pump full of steroids and shit.

I must have one of these!

That's if Shinji doesnt choke her ass to death first.

And I thought my room was bad.

This article was a interesting read and I had a good feeling the comment section was going to be a huge minefield of morals and misinformation. But... in all honesty you can addicted to a lot of fucking stuff out there whether it be heroin, cheeseburgers, eating dryer lint, whatever its all possible. It's all about

I shudder at the thought.

One day our kids are going to look back at politics and laugh at how primitive these men in power are, that is if we all don't die first.

Wasn't it his fathers vital suit? Shit was pretty fucking awesome.

My personal thoughts on phones nowadays is that some point in the near future they will stop being called "phones" and will eventually become something like a Pip Boy 3000. Everyone will get one when they become of age and It will be used for everyday tasks.

I recently got myself a Nokia Lumia 920 and I'm loving it but everyone that sees it always ask me why do I carry around this huge brick of a phone. Mind you I got myself an Otter box for it so it's a bit bigger now but really? Compared to the Samsung and Galaxy Note 2 especially it's not all that big and figs snug in

Now playing

Pretend Bill was saying politicians instead of marketing and it still makes perfect sense.

I don't know if I should be scared or laugh.

I understood the topic it's just my fanboyism jumping out of me.

Sorry I couldn't resist.