
HAHA its almost a direct copy and paste.

Not impressed, and go ahead and flame me but my rig I built last year stomps this into ground. And don't get the wrong idea ill most likely pick one up when it has a price drop for the exclusives and such but it won't replace my baby.

I'm still hoping that the whole reveal doesn't end up being the PS4 just so I can see the rage of the internets, but all these mock ups are pretty wicked.

You post Ziggy but how about the real star?

I guess going the PC gamer route paid off.

Well all I know is that the BC series introduced destruction, other then that I'm not really sure myself.

Not recently but I was very tired when I replied so I guess my brain didn't read it very well. Now I understand and agree ya 100%.

Any reason for the Ashitaka Pic?

You beat me to it.

How about no?

I'll be more then furious.

Wow good call I approve.

Will this be coming out for windows phone 8?

I love Robbaz.

Wow those are incredible.

Awesome choice but you made me angry because I was reminded that ill never see Legends 3.

I just joined you.

Haha you put the cherry on top.

I've chosen to go without Kotaku Core because I like the random stuff sometimes but seriously... What the fuck is this?

I feel the same exact way.