
I mean, apart from the particulars of this article, that’s baldly untrue. Neoliberalism as the primary animating economic philosophy of the Democratic Party started being enshrined under Carter, for chrissakes, a process completed under Clinton. Even before that, the Democrats were thoroughly committed to liberal

I know you want to insinuate that the Democratic donor class wants a “centrist” economic agenda, but what they really want are people they think can win who are not Republicans

Rich Liberals:

I want her to shut up and go away because she has nothing useful to add to the conversation. She represents the center right status quo donor class and this country needs change in a lot of ways. If you aren’t part of the solution you are part of the problem and she is not offering solutions.

Clinton has a long history of being (generally) on the good side of most policy ideas but not knowing how to speak those policy ideas well.

Hell yes. Inject this idea into my veins. She is the bad ass we need going forward.

It just supports the idea that CNN is a bunch of whiny cry babies that can’t deal with a bully.  

CNN does not know how to handle Trump because they are worried that they’ll get called names by President Pissbaby. I’m sure one of their talking heads will be Very Concerned on-air later.

I’m not doing that, no. I’m specifically and explicitly talking about trust. I do not trust companies that work with ICE to develop technology to hunt down brown people.

Insightful Blogger Gets It; Anonymous Commenter Fellates Former President for Centrist Upvotes.

Lol so you’re saying that the Root will cover this because Obama is black, though this article has nothing to do with his race. So you’re racist. And then you call her a bitch. Cool. You seem really cool. Bet you have a healthy relationship with a loving girlfriend...

Every body under 30 is a kid to me. But you happen to be a kid who is absolutely right. Obama’s failure to deliver on his progressive promises and his inability to understand the GOP would never compromise with him is a big factor in voter indifference. People who tout his accomplishments tend to dismiss the

And the GOP is already sabotaging it. Yeah great piece of legislation. People fucking love their insurance companies more than ever. Just look at what the GOP has been able to accomplish in 2 years with a slim majority. Wtf were Dems doing when they almost had a super majority in the Senate? How about you stfu with

You people really don’t think that patronizing tone is sexist. You really think that calling an adult professional a child because they had the nerve to criticize your favorite politician is acceptable.

What exactly is it that Obama understands more than this particular writer? I mean he isn’t even a good politician from the stand point of what a politician is supposed to do: pass meaningful legislation and/or bolstering party power. His entire legacy has already been destroyed and the Democratic party went to shit

pretty sexist to describe a 28 year old female journalist as a child

Obama lost more offices for the Democratic Party since prior to WWII. Whos fault is it that hes that bad at politics he couldnt maintain the coalition that voted him into power? The voters, or Obama?

Honestly fuck those idiots.

Let me spell it out to you again - she had a choice not to participate in Trumps obvious baiting. She made the error in doing so. Getting Swift Boated over this? Are you kidding? Were Cherokee Nation people about to start doing negative ads against her?

How am I “killing” her? Can we stop with the absurd hyperbole regarding legitimate fucking criticism? I adore Warren, and I’ve frequently defended her, but she doesn’t get to escape legitimate criticism because I generally like her policies. She doesn’t get to slide where anyone else wouldn’t because she’s generally