Oh it’s you Matt McGorry
Oh it’s you Matt McGorry
I’d almost have more respect for the racist crowd if they’d just own the fact that they’re racist. Instead, they want to “pussy” out, to channel Clint, and pretend that what they’re doing and saying isn’t wrong.
Of course he’s full of shit, every single thing he says is a stupid lie. He’ll never debate Clinton in any kind of real neutral setting, he’ll only do it if he can arrange for a moronic circus scene full of screeching idiots who roar over his spastic twitching and dopey insults. He’s a grade-A coward, a sleazy punk, a…
Warmongering is not progressive. Doing coups is not progressive. Supporting corporate interest that go against the public interest is not progressive.
You call it a “purity test”. I call it “Actually pursuing progressive ideals and not just paying lip service to them while still shilling for your Wall Street donors”. But, y’know. Different strokes.
You had time for that but can't be bothered to name ONE?
Yuk yuk yuk! Bernie supporters are all white am I right!? And they are all men! And Hillary suporters are a rainbow coallition of women and POCs! Just like the one that called me, a black woman, a cunt when I dared to articulate my support for a more liberal agenda!
I don’t call myself a progressive, but there is no definition that would be compatible with Hillary’s neoliberal agenda. “Better than Trump!” is all she has, which is enough, but still gross.
I would think objecting to a neoliberal warmonger with no discernible progressive opinions would kinda fall in there.
this is a problematic narrative. we need to alienate Sanders supporters, continue to mock them for being privileged white drug users, and then blame them for their immaturity in the case Hillary loses the general. my ego is at stake here, lest we forget. ive started blaming them for poll results already!
I don't think Bernie can take credit for progressives hating Hillary. That kind of goes with being progressive.
For all the people who need an explanation on why “All lives matter” is racist: It is a direct refutation of the Black Lives Matter protest movement, which is not claiming black supremacy, but instead an implicit acknowledgment that black lives (also) matter.
Could you imagine if someone altered the national anthem in support of Black Lives Matter?
It’s code for “PS this is a place outside New York City”.
The people who say “no one uses it” are usually the people who don’t use it. It’s not packed 24/7 like NYC but it gets really full at peak times.
Yeah, for real, why does Kara think nobody uses Metro? Why the hell would we be expanding it if no one used it?
hey I’m in LA and I use metro pretty regularly.
Oh give me a fucking break! How much coin did Hillary’s support for the Iraq War and regime change in Libya and Syria cost the taxpayers? Enough of the sour fucking grapes from the media. 38k is a haircut for Hillary and weave for the Donald. How much taxpayer money went to funding primary elections for the private…
For real, though, that is an incredibly dumb question.
Your own analysis seems to ignore the very glaring fact that when people try to have a substantial conversations about Clinton’s legitimate short comings as a politician, public servant, and candidate, they get hand-waved away in favor of the dominant narrative that people just hate her because she’s a woman. Its been…