
racists gonna racist ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

“Actually I think it’s terrible but thank you.”

may also ask what the fuck is wrong with you?

Bernie would have won, my bitch

at least he didn’t go hide in the woods like Hillary... only to later emerge for a cock tale party for billionaire donors and attend Trump’s inauguration.

Every southern officer should have been executed following the war. Every member of the Planter class should have been banished to an island and their land should have been divided up among the freed slaves.

except the Breitbart commentariat is addicted to the NFL like it’s cocaine. They couldn’t boycott football if their life depended on it and they know this, which is one of the reasons why they’re so fucking pissed. They’re losing one of their safe spaces.

I love it when the American flag touches the ground. It warms my heart when this country is symbolically taken down a notch.

you really think if the Olympics were held in a US city and it was suspected that some Brazilian athletes filed a false police report of a robbery (making it an international story) it would then be the United States who would look bad for making them answer questions?

was not aware of that. I’m not familiar with Meghan Murphy, but thanks for the heads up

I said “people” not girls. All people (male and female) who fall for McGorry’s shit baffles me. sorry.

I’m certainly not (well maybe a little of his income) but thanks for the reassurance.

Like he’s always trying way too hard to convince people that he’s a feminist.

McGorry is a creepy piece of shit. The sooner you learn this the better.

This list is firmly tongue in cheek, though. Ain’t it?


I’m a millennial and was speaking as one. I know you’re a GenXer. I’m sorry for the confusion.

I don’t have to wish for anything. Aging and death are a biological inevitability. There’s one particularly selfish generation who benefited from socialist policies when they were younger and then kicked the ladder out from behind them when they turned into old assholes. That generation is now aging and dying off and

- Drones hospitals

I’m so glad the center-right baby boomers supporting Hillary are finally dying off. By 2020 millennial voters will officially outnumber boomers. Neoliberalism is a doomed political platform, but you old fucks are too obtuse to even realize it.