Danny BN

Scrolled for this comment. At this point, JT is basically mocking the past. For being the past. The unironic, blatant usage of words like “boring”and “worst” to describe perfectly honorable automotive things from years past is revisionism; something the Jalopnik staff basically owns at this point. No amount of

You are crazy - and not the quirky and charming kind of crazy I normally expect from you.

What’s wrong with me? What’s wrong with you? Are there bombs going off on the plane I didn’t notice? Were there dead eyes staring up to the stars? Was there some incredible tragedy that had befallen every single human within a mile radius there?

“Prior to that, United Airlines had come under fire for refusing to let two young women board a flight for wearing yoga pants.”

You’re right. But the gawker drones have to convince themselves that they’re doing something by putting their fingers in their ears and chanting repeatedly

I miss the old jalopnik.

Why can’t we have colored vehicle interiors again!?

There was a cool kind of understated dignity to those cars, especially when everybody else had the hatchback. Less tail-heavy looking, especially compared to the bulge-backed Capri of the same era. Heck, even the Chippies thought they were good enough.

Exactly this. I come here to get away from this kind of journalism...

It seems like Jalopnik has become an echo chamber for political views that ignore both sides of an argument and agree with whatever MSNBC said this morning. I liked it more when it was about cars. I’ll take my clicks elsewhere so someone else can make their fractions of a penny on my viewership.

You seem like the type of “mindset” that purposely misses the trashcan so that a Janitor can pick it up for you....

These just seem like dick moves now... When I turned my jetta in I felt sort of bad for the guy at the dealership because he keeps getting harassed and blamed by customers. The guy at the dealership probably had nothing to do with the scandal. Just turn in the car. It’s not that hard to act like an adult.

uh...you’re not from around these parts, are you.

You’re no Jalop. Where did you come from?

Uhh, the motorcyclist is at fault here. It would be one thing if he was at a closer follow distance, but he’s way way back. Had plenty of time to stop.

But finally the car does stop, and the biker seems healthy enough to deliver an understandably irate piece of their mind.

Disdain for road worker knows no cultural or geographical bounds.

Hopefully 17 trillion. Beyonce is fucking terrible.

Better safe than sorry, if I'm looking at anything nice and closer than 6 feet, my hands are together behind my back or in my pockets. Not only does this absolutely guarantee that I wont touch the car, it shows the owner that I respect him and his car enough to bother with such precautions.

Set up insane camera shoots. Lying in the middle of the driveway or spread out in a space that another car wants to take, or like this assclown, standing in front of my Montreal shot. It's a non-judged, social car show. These aren't collector rides, and you're not Ansel Adams.