The depths that some people will sink to...
The depths that some people will sink to...
Sorry, but I'm not interested in any boat movies without Shelley Winters in them.
He said he likes to fire them, not set them on fire.
Aren't we supposed to refer to him as The Messiah?
Roger Ailes just had a newsgasm.
Photobucket won't allow goat sodomy pics. They won't even allow pics of Pedobear or of a certain roast beef sandwich.
So, if she ever has a daughter, will she name it Ethyl?
I've been there. The Welland Tunnel is the most exciting thing in town, and offers the best view.
Your Photobucket isn't password-protected, so I went spelunking in it. Luckily, you have no embarrassing pics in there, like I have in mine.
There was an old couple from New Hampshire who'd show up occasionally at shows in their Corvair Lakewood. Unrestored, and they're the original owners. Very nice people who'd talk your head off about the car if you'd let them. The last time I saw the wife, she looked very frail and never got out of the car. That…
Stop trying to warm the cockles of my dead, black heart, you bastard.
Seems to be a US thing. Whenever I see one, I just assume the car's owner is unable to reproduce, or that they're no allowed to see their grandchildren.
I'm way too anal-retentive. I have to do post-processing on every pic I take, no matter how minor, in order to fight my mortal enemy: GREIGE. I currently use a Canon Powershot as my primary camera, but this was taken with my old Samsung S85.
Let's see: Drink five gallons of gasoline, or drive to Baltimore?
Say no to roof-mounted wings, and yes to matching rims.
I think the proper term is "butterface."
Those can be cool, but I only have a point-and-shoot camera. I find them easier to handle.
When trying for a shot like that, I usually stand back, up the pixels, zoom in, and crop later.