Yes exactly thank you kill it.
This video was actually holding my attention until the 3:00 mark, when the rear brakes locked up while braking gently.
Thank you for not spelling it "lobstah."
Massachusetts: America's trend-setting nanny state.
Building the Volt was a lose / lose situation (PR-wise) for GM. Great technology, but in order to make a profit, they had to price it realistically. By doing do, GM priced it too high for many who may have been interested, and caused the anti-bailout crowd to crow "I told you so!" If they didn't, and subsidized the…
I had an '85 Grand Prix that did that, too.
No problem
Ah. I have a prepaid dumbphone. I see no reason to give people a chance to annoy me with any more IM's, videos, and photos than they already do each day.
Would we be expected to clap politely like James Lipton's audience, or hoot and holler like Jerry Springer's?
Go to Walmart and pick one up for $15. They have them for just about very device, and the one I got was better made than the one that came with my phone.
Or, I can just leave the car charger in the car, since it's of no use to me in the house.
Couldn't the Nissan just barrel roll over that?
In that case, maybe they should have had a marketing agreement with Sears for a Toughskins Edition.
Re: Gremlin Levi’s Edition upholstery. I don’t think AMC could have used genuine denim because of flammability regulations. All-cotton seats probably would have been a bitch to keep clean, too.
You mean it's getting the Pontiac treatment?