
Sorry for the huge pile on but as someone who had an openly racist 1st grade teacher I can tell you from experience that it diminishes a child’s self worth and results in a near-lifetime full of self doubt. I had to be untaught that I was lesser than because of my skin color.

As a teacher, I know very well that there are some bad apples among us. How does she plan on separating racial bias from her work as an educator? She believes in a system that deprived minorities of their individual rights - a system that dehumanized minorities. I am left dumbfounded! She should not be teaching.


Ugh, what a tool that guy is. What. A. Tool. He’s totally the kind of guy who practices drawing his gun in the mirror.

Then when we express our honest opinion by saying ...oh I don’t know....you’re an ignorant racist shithead & a HUGE part of the problem to people like her they say something about “freedom of speech”,cry persecution, & start up a kickstarter. Yes, you do have every right to publicly say

Yes. I don’t care if educators have, you know, lives, but I do care, deeply, that they will approach all their students equally, openly, and with a belief in their ability to succeed.

i agree with this and i think it’s unfair in a lot of cases—like, i don’t think an employment history that includes a year of stripping (or a pinterest board that talks about loving booze, or something) has any bearing on a teacher’s ability to teach. but this strikes me as something that would very obviously prevent

My grandfather, a disabled WW2 vet, annoys the crap out of me. It annoys me that I have to help him when he’s always been kind of an ass. Disabled =/= good person.

Also, in the novel, Lex is quite possibly the worst. It’s through sheer literary convention that her character wasn’t fed to the raptors as bait. She’s that terrible. Her character drifts towards parody, she’s so awful. Thank god they rewrote the kids for the movie.

It’s worth pointing out, that in the Book, the boy was the computer genius, and they switched the roles around for the movie.

I watched Jurassic Park last Friday and came away with a few really important takeaways:

Since all the dinosaurs are female and they talk to one another, presumably about anything other than men, would that mean that Jurassic Park has the highest score on the Bedchel Test?

Oh my god, another Jezebel post praising the Galloway Gals? We get it, they were very influential in the feminist/dinosaur film landscape, let’s talk about something different for once. Jeez!

I have said this before, and people didn’t like it, but fuck them, I will say it again. Feminists who do things this like this are hurting feminism.

Um, no, dealing with trauma does not give one the right to make baseless accusations. That is not a thing.

So dealing with trauma gives them the right to fuck everyone else’s shit up?

I don’t have much to say about this article—I think it does a really good job, and the lengthier write-up in March was top-notch—but I really wanted to draw attention to the seemingly obvious but too-often-forgotten point made in the letter: accused misogynists have First Amendment rights too. As was pointed out in

I work as a comedian, and there’s plenty of material still out there to work with. It does have an effect though. It makes you less willing to try material that deals with sensitive issues. Ten years ago I might approach something at a few open mics, maybe get some negative feedback and either drop it from my act or

I think that what makes/made Seinfeld so refreshing was that his focus in comedy was the mundane everyday things that people don’t always notice. He’s just not interested in the deep stuff, comedy or otherwise, which is fine however that can come across to others as being inadvertently sexist/whatever. But that