
That one hair style though...

“if she’s playing on the idea of “consent,” that is.”

That comment section is about to get so ugly. And THAT is the real performance piece. We are the subjects, not the video.

why do you have so many hands tho, yo.

I’m really conflicted here.

you’re not going to watch the video? I’m going to file a Title IX complaint against you! For Feminism!

As my art teacher in college would say:

I’m not going to watch the video, but I’ve got to say, it’s pretty cool that she’s turning what happened to her into performance art pieces. It’s probably empowering, and I bet it’s a really good way to process it.

Still a better love story than Twilight.

She outlines ways to watch the video, namely

Yep. I get into a lot of discussions with friends who are very conversant about modern art and performance art is a kind of dodgy subject since a lot of it seems to boil down to “Aren’t you shocked?!”

Is it ok to be against rape but still think this sucks

That Elle magazine “rebuttal” is written by “Blair Schmaldorf.” That’s clearly a Pseudonym/ Gossip Girl reference, right? Because the NY Times among other legit outlets referenced it as if “Blair Schmaldorf” were a real person.

I have zero doubt that this is a real thing. Maybe not ridiculously wide spread, but it definitely happens on the upper east.

ok, but do you think it’s something she should lose her job over? Do you really think every time someone said or did something in poor taste they should have a title IX filed against them? That is the big story, i mean, if everyone lost their job because they said or did something that was a dick move or tone deaf, No

Because it draws attention to the fact that sexual assault on campus is not treated as seriously as it should by college administrations and frat houses. I’m behind that idea. I’m also behind the choice to take mattress to graduation ceremonies as an activist thang.

I’m obsessed with the girl carrying the pillow.

I’m a graduate student right now, and all I can say is that PC politics are a fucking plague on academia. It’s happening in every department in every university, and the worse a department’s funding resources are, the worse the PC problem. Universities, between the laughable idea that they are education oriented and

OMG “mattress feminists”. Dying of laughter right now. Brilliant and this is totally what im calling these morons from now on.

Did ya know that the assholes that filed the Title IX compliant also filed one to the faculty member that accompanied her to Title IX compliant meetings because his participation created a threatening environment (although the union/association she belongs to provides this person to attend such proceedings and it’s