
Is anyone excited about anything other than Wonder Woman from the DCU at this point? I'm playing WW by ear for now and if it's not completely amazing, I will be waiting 20 years for the next DCU reboot.


They are claiming that all of these wheels are worth over $1000 each?

They didn't even try to act like this wasn't a commercial.

OFF TOPIC: I've never actually spoken to a 5th Gen Z/28 owner. What made you buy that over a c6 z06 from which I derives all its fancy parts? Not an insult, just a curiosity.

Damn! I I thought I was stirring the pot LOL

I'm thinking(hoping) that this is sarcasm. But, I honestly didn't think that there was room for a sense of humor over here.

I have driven an atom. They are great on the street.

I see a long roof!

Good play. Sir

It too bad that the last one is off by a single turn.

Video broken

This is the first thing I thought of too.

literally LOL’d at this pic.


I know it gets clicks... But can we please stop with this mid-engine corvette nonsense?

I agree completely. I bought my first corvette when I was 25 and my second one when I was 28. The problem is not lack of appeal. The problem is that pre owned corvettes are an incredible value and young people are more likely to see that.

I DD’d my stick shift z06 for over a year. I never had a problem. You just have to know when and where to be able to have a good time. In fact I wish I still was driving. My truck is boring.

This car was an auto. It does not cure stupidity.

A Batman game that doesn’t work on PC?