
I feel a sense of despair when I read some of the comments in this thread that seem to be treating this imaginary misogynist as though the article were reporting on a factual human being who actually wrote what was suggested.

Oh wow, never thought it was a real store they used, that’s kickass :D

When I was a kid we moved to a new town halfway across the country. We moved during the summer, too, so I couldn’t rely on starting school to meet new folks. Really didn’t help that my brother ditched me any chance he got either.
I’d started getting pretty down about the whole situation, everyone in the town seemed

One of the best Sci-Fi TV Characters who got one of the worst, if not the worst, death in science fiction.

I Have Some Serious Concerns About the Captain America: Civil War Movie

thats it!! give him this guy the award!

I’m more excited about Warren Ellis writing a 007 comic book.

Who else here thought the new Star Trek films were enormously entertaining? Isn’t that the point of movies?

That man is a god among men.

IIRC, a low-profile bulletproof vest can stop buckshot. And the Crow didn’t blow Ray’s head off, so there’s still hope.

Spider Jerusalem like a motherfucker.

Anyone else notice that the three male leads are likely impotent?

Here’s why I think yours is a bad argument: People aren’t getting upset because the character is changing race/gender/sexuality. They’re upset because the character is changing, and that’s fine. I don’t like Jim Gordon replacing Bruce Wayne as Batman. Both white hetero dudes, but Jim Gordon isn’t Batman. I didn’t care

Regarding “social justice warrior” as an insult, this is how it was explained to me: Say you have a two-story shopping mall with no wheelchair-accessible way to get to the second story. An activist will stage petitions and protests to get the owners of the mall to install an elevator. A social justice warrior will try

Is it just me, or does the new Batmobile look like they welded the body of the Batmobile from the Burton films to the chassis of the Tumbler from the Dark Knight movies?

Star Trek....The Mark of Gideon

DC - Changes for the sake of changing.

I love how some idiots online are groaning this will suck because its a ‘Seth Rogan’ show.

Not to mention Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell), Captain Marvel (Genis-Vell) , and Captain Marvel (Marvel Boy, Nor-Varr).