
“...that the series will not focus on the efforts of Han, Luke, Leia and the major players of the films.”

It’s kind of a trope from a Glenn Ford movie. He’s a changed man, never be a gunfighter because reasons, until something trigger him and then he’s full on badass. Also: Unforgiven.

Terminally Ill Child: Bill Murray or GTFO

As much as I love Scott Snyder’s run on Batman I hope the Gordon as Batman storyline ends sooner rather than later.

Rick Grimes: I’d follow that crazy sumbitch into hell and back.

Goddamnit DC, what holy high fuckery is this? Why can’t I quit you? I love Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo but I can’t wait for this to be over.

Warren Ellis and 007 are like chocolate and peanut butter for me. I hope that Dynamite keeps Ellis in single malt scotch and gold bars to keep him on the book past one arc.

Alright, I’ve looked though all of these and....nothing grabs me. I could count on one hand how many 616 books I was picking up (Silver Surfer, DD, Howard the Duck, Punisher). And now I’ll pretty much be picking up the Star Wars books.

I love me some Cali-noir (I mean, they name dropped a town 15 minutes from me). This episode reminded me of one of James Ellroy’s L.A. Quartet.

If I were Daniel Craig I’d be annoyed as hell that someone wants him to lose his job every other day.

Miles is wondering why the Avengers are calling him “Spider-Bottom” when his back is turned.

The way to true diversity? NEW CHARACTERS!! I understand that creating new characters is hard. But, just changing a character someone loves for a cheap pop on the internet is lazy as hell. Arbitrary change of loved characters because someone is bored is bullshit. NEW CHARACTERS: Because Luke Cage, Storm, and Black

This is totally spot on casting. I hope they go straight to the Garth Ennis run for inspiration on this. But will Hugh Jackman want to have a cameo? ;)

It would take a public flogging and a partial lobotomy to get anyone to sympathise with Tony after all the shit he’s pulled. Nothing about this New Marvel makes me want to add anything to my pull.

I tend to agree with this.