Or channeling his son the rapper? I think I'm going to pass on this one, just too Wachowski for me.
Or channeling his son the rapper? I think I'm going to pass on this one, just too Wachowski for me.
Shatner. Always.
Bruce went around the world training to be Batman, Blake was a cop with some training. If he tries to be Batman he's going to have his arse handed to him, or worse.
I'll just put this here...
The Venture Brothers rule! Can't wait for more.
That's funny, I thought "everything is right in the world" when Bruce was Batman again. :)
It's all about BATMAN #11 this week.
I'd get Batman Earth One but it's a bit pricey right now.
Soccer anyone?
Welcome to the internet. :)
I'd rather have Kirk's center seat with the cool armrests and the swivel. :)
we can rebuild him, we have the technology...
I'll just put this here...
Anytime Guillem March draws Catwoman you can hear the internet's claws go *snikt*. lol
It is all about Batman #10 this week, Scott Snyder is absolutely killing it.
Nice axe, I mean, guitar. :)
Atari Force was awesome, if they did they should have Jose Garcia Lopez back on art.
Like: Thane Smegma of Santorum?
T'Challa comin' yo! #itsallinthegame