
Makes sense. We know that he's experienced in various disciplines.

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel continues their investigation of amateur kickboxing, this time with a horrifying story about a fight that pitted a developmentally disabled man against an opponent with "more than a decade of experience as a combat trainer and fighter." [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]

That wouldn't happen under the new rules. There can now be five Champions League teams from one league.

Boy, it sure sounds like I messed with Texas.

A hearty go fuck yourself for baseless assertions:

Get the fuck out of my face, man.

Because civilian-on-civilian violence totally negates a centuries-long documented record of systematic violence and abuse by agents of the state against a very specific subset of its citizens.

Not that I'm particularly surprised but still.

If the American language was good enough for Our Lord Jesus Christ, it's good enough for those yobs and hosers.

his post

He's no one to be trifled with.

You're a towel.

I was never meant to live in this era anyway.

Delusional, really? Could a person suffering from delusions carefully shade in a huge, perfectly identical, "TMZ" logo on each page?

correction: rapist beats rapists.

Congratulations for posting what will likely be the dumbest comment of the night!

Maybe if the receivers had performed better Rodgers wouldn't have had to fake it.