
Yeah that’s annoying as fuck. The second you take a vehicle off the road, you have to accept that it’ll get stuck permanently on some railing, rock or other random type of terrain feature.

This game is buggy as fuck. Disappearing missions, guard towers that don’t work, zombies spawning right in front of you, vehicles getting stuck on small terrain features...

Mechwarrior Online. Really fun, and I met dozens of people that I play with regularly, really good tactical shooter at its heart (buried beneath layers of shit.)

For fuck’s sake, I still haven’t finished the Witcher 3. It’s a great game, but it’s literally the only RPG I’ve ever played that I didn’t finish in one session. Been playing it on and off since it got released...

Guess I’m lucky I live in a country where people don’t have to eat cat food then, ain’t I? (Barring any zombie outbreaks, that is.)

Sure doesn’t feel like it most of the time, but remembering the people I know and have met that are in crushing debt, I suspect you’re right.

Cool. I’m 35 and I got zero bucks to my name, but also no debts.

Okay, so as far as I understood it, you should have it for PC too if you bought the Xbone version (since it’s “Play Anywhere”.) No need to buy it again when (if) it comes out on Steam.

“Well-intentioned.” Uh huh.

The game is published by Microsoft, and it’s a Windows Store exclusive for the time being (like Sea of Thieves). Basically they’re using it to push the Windows Store and play anywhere features.

That is the funniest thing I’ve seen all week.

Pretty sure you can drop off all the stuff from the trunk of your car instantly when you park in a base’s parking spot like in the first game.

The camera is janky as fuck, like motion-sickness inducing janky. Is that a mouse thing? Or an issue with the video? The other videos and streams didn’t look like that.

Cheeki Breeki!

Hah, yeah I was definitely looking at the wrong alliance.

True, not anymore I don’t. Their zKillboard looks pretty bad though.

Never tried that myself, but sounds like it could work yeah. The champion (?) thing worked because you could stack armor faster than enemies could deplete it, in comparison.

His alliance is pretty fucking terrible to be honest (had to look them up because I haven’t played in years.)

Agreed. Dwarves are clearly superior in all aspects.

You’re criticizing the PoE setting for its use of gods and in the same sentence you’re praising Forgotten Realms?