The artist formerly known as...

"A Day's Work Done: by donaguire." I don't go for this sort of fantasy stuff, but I really, really like that painting. A serious Edward Hopper vibe to it. Or some thing. I want it on my wall.

"The V-2 ran on alcohol and liquid oxygen, only one of which was easy to get." So true, particularly if you work in the BYU physics lab.

Hmm. Are you male and in the United States and Europe? Culture sort of imprints deeply on people, after all.

How many kids are fapping to the inappropriately dressed people in that picture right now. Of course, they promise to feel very, very bad about it later.

LastPass isn't new. But, yeah....

For a second here, I thought that this was an app that could be loaded to a non-jailbroken phone. Silly me.

Mocking one element of a culture <> mocking a culture. Having seen Super Sabado, I will freely mock that aspect of (in this case, Chilean) culture. Because bad tee vee is not just for Los Estadosunidosdenses any more.

My hella creepy alarms—all of them—are jangling now, and they aren't stopping for a while.

In the first of the photos, where the kid is standing on the chair? That's no toddler. I assume this picture was 'shopped, also.


Now playing

I thought of Muldowny the minute I saw this headline, so I will just leave this in honor of the drag racing women......Just wish it was a better vid, but listen to the words, etc.

In 1991, SNL had a skit with Kirstie Alley called "Their Eyes Were On Their Breasts!" in which Kirstie and other women came from another planet and promised Earth peace and prosperity and no illness and all good things for ever if they could just come and set things right. The all male press corps ignored their good

Well, in the United States, both our presidential debates and our television news generally do not feature women in tight dresses, plunging necklines, remarkably large breasts, and miniskirts.

Had Deadspin covered it yet? I'd like to go someplace where I can freely discuss her "rack," and get a whole bunch of +1s for it....

True that. And, as it turns out, many of these crashes are survivable, the seats don't fail, but people don't pay attention to the evacuation instructions, and behave poorly when the plane comes to rests and begins to catch fire. Not all plane crashes are survivable—but a rather larger proportion than we think are.

No, it doesn't. Three poorly aimed shots really are no better than one poorly aimed shot. Looks groovy, though.

As a robustly-built American, I can say with some confidence that I buckle my seat belts on planes no matter what. And that if the force acting on the plane is enough to wrench my seat loose, I've got more to worry about than the construction of the seat belt.

Indeed, the GE website itself speaks of "incandescent replacement" bulbs, which is accurate and reflects consumer perceptions. But the Giz writer should know better, and at least try to get in the same zip code as "accuracy."

You mean it's rated for the same lumens as a 100w incandescent bulb, but draws only 27w for those lumens. A lighting engineer can give you the fancy words here, but we don't measure light in "watts." #corrections

You just won't let go, will you? I don't need to work on myself. You need to spend less time here posting snarky pictures about things you don't understand. But, yeah, come on back—someone's wrong on the internet!