The artist formerly known as...

And where did this asswipe stand on the Iraq "war"? Yeah, that's what I thought too. Hypocrites.

This reminds me of a trip I made to Bangkok some years ago. A colleague's friend told me "Whatever you do, don't get the #2 combo at a Burger King in BKK." "What's in the #2 combo?" "I have no idea, but just don't get it." Urgh.

FWIW, the McDonald's in Sundsvall, Sweden, kind of sucked. And the one in Trondheim, Norway, was OK, but a "value" meal Big Mac was like US$15. Still cheaper than the $50 BLT the night before, though.

Yeah. Sensors detect Troll, Captain. Set phasers to Don't Feed the Troll.

Excellent stuff! I've done the "I'm on a boat" thing, and it works great—and it's really smoother than most boats, because I am really prone to seasickness, and have never had motion sickness on a plane. And the advice to test-drive the meds is right on. Some sedatives can make you really loopy, to the point where the

Good luck! Overcoming this phobia is one of the hardest in the world, but it's also got a huge payoff!

So true! If the cute young FA (they're mostly young and cute on the smaller planes, both male and female, so not being sexist [I hope] ) starts looking worried, then it may be time to worry. But I've never seen one even break a sweat—they make jokes when the plane lands a bit hard, that's all. My sense is that if a 23

This is going to sound really awful, but "$5000 of electronics in a Habitat for Humanity House"? The Post story suggests there's something more going on here than meets the eye. Four flat-screen TVs? Wow. I certainly don't begrudge anyone for having some TVs. But the terms "$5000 in electronics" and "Habitat for

You're kidding. Right? Alternatively: WTF?

What fantasy world do you live in in which girls get all that loving, supportive care from their parents that your note implies? In the real world, girls get pregnant before 18, want abortions, and, in a few cases, get botched ones that kill them. In those cases, you bet there's parental notification.

Finally, a right solid use of pepper spray. Also, the first time in SPD history they used it at the right time.

I used to have a hella big flying phobia. What cured it?

You're a winner. Times two.

Four Kardashians....umm....fornicating?

All those other worst songs suck too. Except for the Dan Fogelburg song. You may now throw brickbats (whatever those are).

Ok, I wrote a textbook about stuff that dismantled the "steaks and foodstamps and Cadillacs" myth, of which this lady's story is the bastard stepchild. But for a later edition, I removed that, thinking "oh, kids today can't relate to that." #rewriting #fail

#cotd, but here? Or on Deadspin? Hmmm

I had no particular opinion. Until now. News flash: she's not a Virgin, Tim, and divorce is a great big sin, right?

Maybe Sarah Silverman can make the video: "I'm Fucking Tim Tebow."