The artist formerly known as...

As it turns out, the flight attendants told this guy to close his computer, so he started deleting files. Oh, that's just not going to work. I wonder what he was thinking as the plane approached BOS. Something along the lines of "oh, shit" I'd think. Of course, one wonders what he was thinking when he fired up the lap

Good point. I'm cool with that.

The texter is hella cool—everything went down smooth with the bust, and it gave the dude no time to try to wipe his hard drive with whatever software tool he had. Although, I assume if the dude's dumb enough to watch child porn on a plane, he's too dumb to understand how to wipe a hard drive.

Exactly. I was reading Maxim once on a plane, and got a bit self-conscious. Switched to The New Yorker. But hard core smut? In public? Ick.

I have no problem with this at all; on other blogs, however, there's a lot of gnashing of teeth over the idea of computer techs "snooping" in computers. Yeah, so close your photo viewer, dingbat.

She's crafty

And the ultimate pro tip: do it all on a level surface, on your driveway, away from the house. It may go ker-pow, but the worst that happens is you eat Chinese for thanksgiving. "But it's cold out." Well, then, ya pays your money, and takes your chances.

There are ethical reasons to duplicate a "don't duplicate" key. And there are lots of unethical ones as well. I didn't say I was right to do it. I meant that this is a grey area. And, yes, I should have asked my employer for an extra copy. It would take two weeks. So, yeah, I question my own ethics, and I wouldn't do

I very strongly suspect the latter. If my local hardware store doesn't have it, I go to Lowes. If they don't have it....amazon.com.

Exactly. The idea of using it on a bicycle chain is just painful.

I love those. They can work reasonably well as a pipe wrench for fixing balky sinks and what not. Vise-Grips and Channel Locks are the real deal. Accept no substitutes. Even a Leatherman seems, to me, to be much better than copy-cat multitools.

Might want to ask dad about the WD-40 too, FWIW.

Whereupon the copy doesn't work anyway. Never again.

True. I got an office key duped at Home Despot once. But those messages are there for a reason. Sometimes I wonder about the ethics of someone who seeks a duplicate of a "do not duplicate" key.

Maybe Because I love WebOS. I'd kill for a good WebOS tablet. HPs wasn't it, of course. And I miss my pre. I got an android phone for all the apps, but wow, WebOS was good, at least from the user's perspective. I gave my wife my pre, and she loves it, and it's the first smart phone she actually uses for more than just

You rock so much. My perfect-size 14/16 whatever the fuck vanity size the shop sold today wife is not a stick figure. But what your husband wants is what I want too, so there. The wife seems cool with it. So, yeah, I got mine, Jack, so I'm good, thanks anyway, Ash.

Hey, I resent that "desperate 50-somethings with thinning hair and pot-bellies" crack. I still have a full head of hair. It's just grey, is all. *Sniff*

This is a subspecies of the "if you don't talk about it, the problem will go away" problem. It worked so well for gays and lesbians. Frankly, for the folks who would avail themselves of our "Ashley's" services: they already know. As a guy who reads Jez (linked her today by the fab blog Sociological Images, on other

Word. As a Larger American, it might be good for my if my doc was a bit moreaggressive about my, errr, ...girth. Hard balance to strike, I know.