
After all those times the Steelers forced themselves on others, its about time someone gave them a pounding in the ass.

I can't believe she Yadda Yadda'd the bisque!

So what? Lawrence Taylor used to play with rocks in his lungs.

Cowboys fans who dread the prospect of watching a perfectly capable Weeden play more than dread the prospect of watching Romo potentially become paralyzed on national television can go fuck themselves

It isn't the inconvenience that is the issue, it is that the companies are essentially robbing us for services available at much more competitive prices elsewhere. So you are paying more for others, but getting less, with the only reason being the greed of the provider.

What kind of socialist, Alinksytard propagandist thinks he can just waltz right in, seize the Kings logo, and denigrate it for his own needs instead of respecting the property rights of the owners who have worked long and hard to denigrate that logo for years?

Stop recommending this post! I was wrong about the players involved!

He has every right to sit and stew over their loss to the Giants and instead the dude goes out and plays baseball with a bunch of kids. To me that's hella classy. Well done sir.

Yordano Ventura should be the template of how to live – do your best at your job and then go enjoy the rest of your life.

A Cardinal with that inability to recall specific details is sure to end up in Rome someday.

I went home and watched the film on the iPad.

Eh, maybe that's too long for a headline.

I don't have much sympathy for reporters who are slow to the story and complain after the fact. Sutcliffe got there late and he's from Deportes. Wyllie's only goal is to honor the original Americans.

Here's said handler screaming "NO MEANS NO!" at ESPN Deportes reporter John Sutcliffe, and to be fair "No" in English does indeed mean "No" in Spanish.

He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster.

In the interest of journalistic integrity, I heard it was a threesome and Lennay Kekua should have received photo credit.

He's fulfilling her Catholic schoolboy fetish.

Yordano: Bruce, this is awesome.