Competition FTW. Maybe now we can get some decent proper light-weight/good mpg/acceptable performance cars from these two.
Competition FTW. Maybe now we can get some decent proper light-weight/good mpg/acceptable performance cars from these two.
Where did I mention a conspiracy, champ? I mentioned not liking politicians sticking their noses in an election that had nothing to do with them and trying to sway it. If the workers don't want a union, that's fine. I don't give a shit about the result, I care about the process being messed with.
A few months ago, when they first penalized Seb for donuts, I suggested somebody mail the FIA a big bag of weed. Looks like we have a winner. Come forth and claim ye prize, oh noble cannabis dispenser.
Looks very nice from that angle. I'll take one in McLaren historic orange!
I actually agree with this. VW likes their work-counsils, and I don't think they necessarily need the American definition of a union to have one.
There was another state rep who threatened to try and stop plant expansion if they unionized, too. Some douchebag state senator named Bo Watson said outright they'd withhold any future subsidies, and the governor said other businesses would totally stop liking Tennessee.
I don't think they necessarily needed a union. The conditions at the plant seemed nice enough, and I think VW might create a work council anyways since they have them as a matter of company policy. Like I said, trying to fuck with an election isn't cool, and we'll probably never know if it had an effect. I'm kind of…
In VW's case, they have work councils which work with the company to improve efficiency in German plants. From their end, a union would be the same thing, so they don't mind it. They don't mind paying their workers good wages, so union or not, they were ready to give more production to the Tennessee plant. Like VW, I…
Seeing as how the workers in those unions haven't dumped it, maybe they feel the benefits are adequate. I've generally seen two types: Unions that don't do shit and annoy their workers, and those that fight for their workers. Those seem to work for them. You know how I know the companies want to pay their workers…
For those companies, they're the last line of defense against getting paid shittier wages and less benefits. I know, I know, how dare they want to retire without worrying about starving, the thankless fucks. I mean, all they do is assemble heavy machinery used in construction and to transport hundred of people at 500…
Fucking unions, amirite? Always demanding their workers not retire in poverty. Don't they know their place? The big three could've sustained themselves. If they didn't stop giving a shit in the 80s and start producing shit that nobody in their right mind would pay money for. Unions existed long before the 1980s. A…
They knew what their lives were like without a union. The question for them was whether a union would improve their lives. Seeing as how the VW plant was well operated, the UAW probably didn't have much to offer them. That doesn't excuse some asshole yelling at them that he had spooky secret info that they would…
Are you seriously trying to get the upper hand by questioning whether large companies in America openly try and fuck over their workers in the year 2014? Between the throwing of employees to part time to pay less and try and avoid providing benefits and big lobbying groups fighting minimum wage increases, I don't know…
Fact: People who type "Fact:" usually go on to say things like "the moon landing was fake and Obama is a Kenyan Muslim whose REAL father was an American atheist communist."
This feels weird. An MP4-12C with a P1 front. On one hand it seems good economics, on the other hand it seems lazy. The answer is somewhere in between. I'm sure it'll go like a stabbed rat, regardless. Nice to see Macca build a presence and grow.
It's a one-sided thing because VW was fine with it. I don't give a shit if the UAW win or not, I want a fair process where a party that has nothing to do with the election doesn'tf interfere. Maybe they need a union there, maybe they don't. That's their issue to decide, not for some hacks to swoop in and tell the…
Seeing as how American companies still constantly try to fuck over their employees and openly campaign against safety regulations and minimum wages, we do still need unions in this country. It would be nice if we didn't need unions (I agree that the bureaucracy and fees would suck), but in America in the year 2014, we…
No, I'm just saying, how the hell do I know your story is real and not made up?
I don't see how a shitty company failing on their obligations because of incompetent leadership running the company into the ground is the fault of some guy assembling a car's suspension. If they worked for their pensions, why the fuck should their benefits be cut but not of the assholes who ran the company into the…
I'm fine with them not wanting to join. As long as they make their decision without politicians interfering with the election and threatening them, I honestly don't care. It's up to them, but you can't have some jackass come in and start spreading bullshit lies and then have the vote get swayed. Someone posted some…