Come on, Schumi, if you can navigate a 600Kg jet fighter around Monaco at incredible speeds, you can navigate around this. Or something. Look, I'm bad at analogies folks, just wishing Schumi all the best and a speedy 100% recovery.
Come on, Schumi, if you can navigate a 600Kg jet fighter around Monaco at incredible speeds, you can navigate around this. Or something. Look, I'm bad at analogies folks, just wishing Schumi all the best and a speedy 100% recovery.
Yeah, that's pretty fucking dumb. You shouldn't have a driver's license.
Oh sweet Jesus yes yes yes.
Godspeed, Teabaggers. May you make yourselves useful for once.
Baseball: where writers and TV pundits who give David Ortiz a 24/7 ballwashing and pre-emptive Hall of Fame induction say Edgar isn't a Hall of Famer...for being a DH. Edgar has to be in. The end.
Tesla, why you no make first? I am disappoint.
Filming in portrait should be grounds for lifetime banishment from the internet and having one's iPhone crushed in a junkyard car crusher. Unbearable.
Romo throwing the two picks was just a bonus on top of the Dallas "defense" doing its thing.
Quite a handsome car. Audi is going for the "Bad Motherfucker" look this year.
I always prefer the pre-2000s styling, but those are two good-looking Bimmers. Shocked about how light-weight (for modern cars) they are.
All those dudebros in Escalades and Landys disappointed to find that driving one doesn't make them an extreeem badass driver in snow.
It's a beautiful car, that's for sure. I still don't get the "OMG CAMARO" nonsense. Yes, it has the hips...and? Literally nothing else looks anything resembling a Camaro. The hips are a staple of muscle cars in general. Some people just need reasons to troll.
For his sake, let's hope Ellsbury can get a trade that doesn't involve blankets.
Soon as we find some system to punish jackasses who drive recklessly. It goes both ways.
Awful news. Rest in Peace, Mr. Walker.
Those poor chop shops and body dumping grounds. Whatever shall we do without them? Just a wonder of where they'll set-up shop after they're forced out.
Woah there, Buzz Killington. That's still better than the V8s. Come on, that at least had some grunt sounds off the engine. We're never getting the V10s back, and turbos that can come close to sounding like the 1980s stuff is the best we're going to get. Besides, it'll sound better with nicer equipment shooting it for…
*sigh of relief*