Seems like a lot of teams are struggling for cash in some way. They gotta find a way to cut costs quick, or this will eventually turn to an 18 or 20-car grid.
Seems like a lot of teams are struggling for cash in some way. They gotta find a way to cut costs quick, or this will eventually turn to an 18 or 20-car grid.
Seriously, put Tim Raines in.
Never liked the V8 sound compared to the V10s. Hoping the turbo V6s (realistically run up to 12,500 considering fuel cut-off) sound somewhat like the crazy 1980s turbo cars, which also topped out at 12,500 RPM.
Don't pick on my poor Giants. Hasn't this poor franchise been through enough this past decade?
As someone who knew people who did fencing, I can agree with this statement.
Oh, look, another fucking over of taxpayers into funding a new stadium whose benefits and new profits will (as always) go entirely to the sports team. Well done, America.
Those legitimate concerns end up turning into panic over bikers, and NYC ends up with road rage derbies on its streets because the police forgot they're supposed to enforce all the laws.
Again completely ignoring my actual complaint that the cops refuse to enforce driving laws for motorists as speeding and pedestrian deaths continue to be a real problem in this city.
I've picked this troll response to respond to. I'm not a cyclist. You've missed my point. My point is NYPD doesn't enforce traffic laws for cars at all...leading to a shitload of awful accidents and pedestrian deaths since there is zero punishment for driving like a jackass and mowing people down.
You can ride a bike in the city and not be a douche. The problem with the "IT'S ALL THE BIKERS FAULTS BRO" narrative is that it leads to bad things. Here in NYC, the NYPD is so obsessed with ticketing bikers that they've completely stopped enforcing driving laws for motorists. You can run down a family while texting…
I have only this to say: I was fooled with GT5, and I am scared of GT6 again having annoying flaws like not-working-brake-physics or some other nonsense. I have no favorite between Forza and GT, I like both franchises and both have made me happy and sad. I just feel a little cautious about quality from Polyphony after…
The FIA is probably the most stuck-up, takes-itself-too-seriously bunch of douchebags in sports organizations I can think of. I mean, really, someone deliver a big bag of weed to FIA headquarters and let them go to town. Keep doing those donuts, Seb, we love you all the more for it.
Wanna know the fucked up part? Even here in happy, diverse NYC, there's still plenty of crusty old folks who agree with him.
As much as I'd like to take the easy route and say Manning sucks, Giants receivers have been fucking awful this year. Eli hasn't exactly been sharp, but when you're constantly down by 2+ scores and have to throw the ball to receivers who can't catch a damn beachball, shit happens.
Where's that prick from to call us all pussies for thinking the NFL is full of shit?
Hey, I usually see balding middle-aged guys or soccer moms driving the big house-sized things. Just calling it like I see it. Never understood why the SUV when living in a fully-developed area.
It's a boring ride.
Still an oversized status symbol for rappers, soccer moms and gentlemen with small reproductive organs. Pass.
I, and others, don't get your arguments because they make no sense. Who the hell cares what draft pick number he was? That's not a legitimate, logical reason to scream steroids. Holy crap, man. Pot calling kettle black with the awful communication accusations there.