Or he only had the 1st edition, which is vastly inferior.
Or he only had the 1st edition, which is vastly inferior.
Big Boat 1 was heading towards Tunis from Genoa. Big Boat 2 was anchored. How the coming together came to be remains unclear.
How do you think Trump plans to get re-elected? I think Wartime Presidents have always been re-elected.
Not a big war, a YUGE war, with Gyna.
You’re doing it wrong. Antique rigs had some of the best and iconic designs.
It’s hard to beat the original Power Wagon for sheer truckiness. Simplicity and functionality are handsome.
Maybe it’s just me, but it seems shitty that someone who was the chairman of News Corp, which used its Fox News arm to tell us, among other lies, that global warming wasn’t happening and that we should drill for more oil as fast as we can, probably should not be the head of a company that’s challenging our addiction…
Suuuuuuurrrrre it is.
You didn’t get the memo? According to Fox News, we are cool with Russia now. Putin is the dictator president all others aspire to be.
Sorry, but this is the original Cherokee. Much nicer.
Let’s agree to disagree... from the back they look like...
Honda S2000 both in and out and especially the sound
Wanna know what is Hollywood-bullshit tho? Those cannons.
They have every right to buy them. And we have every right to block them from the US financial system in return. I fail to see what’s confusing about that.
Meanwhile, inside the patrol car...
Came here for Krieger references. Leaving happy on an otherwise slow Friday.
Later that day...
Came for this 😆
Krieger would like a word with the designers.