I’d give him prison, but not for life, and a lifetime driving ban. Even 5-10 years is a long time behind bars.
I’d give him prison, but not for life, and a lifetime driving ban. Even 5-10 years is a long time behind bars.
The best way to not have wars is to trade with countries. We may engage in some saber rattling here and there, but ultimately, trade keeps things settled overall. Historically the world is at its most peaceful when trade is the most free. A trade deficit is a shit ton cheaper than a full blown cold war.
I’m sorry, Patrick. All of your attempts to justify the X6 fall short because of one inescapable fact:
Well, it should do well for them, provided it has a strong lead-in from Formulaic Courtroom Drama #872.
Seriously. England already has enough tools.
“My neighbor across the street bought a Camry Hybrid this month, and I promptly made her regret her purchase decision.”
The expectation that cops know the rules and laws of the road and drive accordingly is way over estimated.
yeah, nobody starts the clip mid-wobble, unless there’s something before the wobble they didn’t want people to see.
The guy in the video either doesn’t know how to ride or is lying about the wheelie. I’m going with doesn’t know how to ride since he admits entering the highway in first gear. In normal traffic there is no reason to ever do that. His explanation is the same as guys who “had to lay it down” because someone “pulled out…
Every now and then I think of driving a motorcycle, and then I read things like “I almost died because I was leaning slightly too far back when I accelerated”
I know he said it wasn’t a wheelie, but... it was a wheelie. Don’t do wheelies at highway speeds and you shouldn’t have to worry about a tank slapper like this. Don’t be your own idiot when there are plenty of idiots around you to worry about.
The NRA has one of those articles for EVERY piece of gun legislation. They fight them all. They need to stop fighting them all and being a roadblock in the way of common sense restrictions.
My impressions are mainly based on the leadership of the NRA who seems stuck on “more guns will solve the problem”. That’s all they can say. More guns. Oh, and “socialism/Democrats bad”.
probably just me, but I like the other races at Daytona that don’t involve NASCAR
I can’t even follow nascar. The rules are getting so odd.
I really don’t understance this at all.
Until then, carry duct tape and shop towels in the car. If you can’t mute the pump TV, at least you can cover the screen and muffle the speaker.
It was late. I was already having a bad day. Worse traffic than usual caused me to miss picking up the trailer I had…