Dances With Squids

Clearly stability control to the rescue. Notice how at the end it only had a slight correction and then locked on straight. No big over correction or line correction.

Harley will have to produce a bike with the touring range that most Harley riders need. Say about a 20 miles will do.

Exactly. You could ask the same question about aircraft. Why do aircraft from fighters, to bombers, to commerical jets still have yokes? Because there will always be times when manual intervention is necessary.

Well said. I worked at the American Red Cross Biomedical Headquarters when 9/11 occured. ARC worked around the clock to manage the volume of blood donated. Even then it was a real struggle.

Specifically, the red key tops out the car to a pre-selected speed, issues “speed warnings” at specified intervals, and limits volume to a pre-set level. The adaptive cruise control is automatically set to the furthest distance, keeping the Volvo at as great a following distance as possible, and the car’s suite of

Yes! It’s like they were waiting for this story when they titled the video. This is the original insane city motorcycle ride video (at least to me).

I used to go to Rockingham in the very early 80's before blower retention straps. I would stand at the fence at the finish line to watch the races. For some reason, one weekend (~’83) everyone was popping blowers off. I saw one shear of a 6" tree at the finish and one blow halfway up to the stands and hit a woman.

This sweet 1975 Freightliner for $10K ‘cause in the ‘70s, we all wanted to be truckers like BJ McKay and Snowman.

How did the Avalon go from a moderately stylish/slightly bland sedan circa 2005 to this deformity that you want to look away from but just can’t?

Makes you wonder if it’s a regular occurrence for her.

Legs come off. Backbox comes off. You’re left with the main cabinet as the largest piece. The problem with some wagons and CUVs is that they slope down and have narrow openings at the back .

  1. “Quits reading.”

Being able to transport a pinball machine is my gold standard for wagons/CUVs. If a sport wagon can’t do that, no amount of sport can make up for that. I may as well get the sedan.

There are sports cars and there are four door sports cars. They are not the same thing. Past Maximas were indeed four door sports cars. For DD use, that makes it superior to many sports cars.

Won’t fit a pin. Uncheck.

No kidding. They went to all this trouble chasing a tornado and they gave the camera to the spastic seven year old amped up on Red Bull.

What did the guy expect. He was on the wrong side of the road.

Or, the entire thing could have been staged. Do you really think the other brands wouldn’t have something to say about this.

Anything that says Rat rod is automatically crack pipe. Why won’t anyone call out rat rods for what they are. Crap disguised as art. Rat rod is just a euphemism for having more ambition than skill and covering it up by calling their turd a Rat.

McCrory doesn’t care because his slogan is: