Forget the malware, that’ll confuse any technician under the age of 30.
Forget the malware, that’ll confuse any technician under the age of 30.
Ok so a quick Google found this...
“Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn”.
This all very informative, but let’s cut to the chase. What superpower did Scott Kelly gain from his year in space? That’s all we want to know.
You said they were “Identical Twins.”
I’ve never called an elected representative in my life. I just did. I expected to have to leave a voicemail, but someone picked up on the first ring! This caught me off guard, so I stammered my way through what I wanted to say about the last couple of weeks, especially this weekend. Who knows if the congressperson I…
Why would you ever try to use facts on a Trump supporter? They live in the world of nonsense hypotheticals and alternative facts.
Email me if you want to say more about that.
If this travel ban had been in place, 9/11 would have still happened. Since the ringleader of the hijackers was an Egyptian national...
The term “reptile” is loaded with historical baggage, but it’s still useful.
Yeah. And anyone who’s dealt with the online rendition of Trump Supporter only sees this as a confirmation of what they’ve already seen and experienced.
Is that by the same artist that ruined the fresco of Jesus?
How long before somebody Trump pulls this shit with tells him to go fuck himself? I want to read that tweet from Trump.
Thank you Dan Nostradamus Brown.
There are millennials are in their 30's. People who call them dumb, spoiled children are stupid. I’m not even a millennial (barely), and I’m annoyed by this shit.
I hate this trope so very much. I am solidly in the millennial group. I’ve worked since I was 14, and I am going to school for a masters while working 50 hours a week at a law firm. I own my own home. My own vehicle. I am married. Every single person I know my age works and are in substantively similar situations. I…
Last spring we used part of our savings and paid off our mortgage. Since then we’ve kept “paying” the mortgage, it’s just going back into savings.
Let’s look at the inverse: