Nail on the Head! As long as the right people are getting paid, nothing else matters.
Nail on the Head! As long as the right people are getting paid, nothing else matters.
Students were always knocking on my office door to borrow a stapler for their assignments. Eventually, I tied a stapler to a cable, and dangled it from the top of the door, so people could just use it out in the hall.
But is its body paneling made from cotton and resin, like the old Trabbi?
Well, it turns out that mine grew pretty tall (about 20 inches to 24 inches), and had blue flowers. I am confused, but that’s OK.
It’s hard to find people who even cook at home, much less practice food production and preservation.
1945 was during the last part of WWII. Civilians were encouraged to grow their own food, and preserve it at home. Thus, public canneries, as well as cooperative canneries in churches and other community centers, were set up to meet that need efficiently.
Open-kettle canning (that is, without pressure) is suitable for high-acid or high-sugar foods, but not for low-acid foods. Spaghetti sauce might be OK, but some of us have “Chef Boyardee” tastes, and make our sauces low-acid. These might not be suitable for open-kettle canning.
Also, on Election Day, be prepared for GOP goon squads. The consent decree that had been restraining the Republican Party from engaging in voter intimidation (in the form of ‘ballot security’) expired this year.
I don’t have anything more to contribute
Well, isn’t it a good thing that we don’t have her as President? No racism or patriarchy or moneyed/corporatist interests in this administration!
He has observed that powerful businessmen where expensive (non-tan, of course) suits and power ties.
You might find the Iranian “Death to America” emoji to be useful at times. I know that the feeling comes over me, when I read more about Trump.
I almost choked when I first saw that “45" on his cuffs! There is no way to plumb the depths of his pettiness.
I bring this up all the time on social media. So many untermenschen who think they’d qualify as ‘humans’ with the Nazis.
Those things ate avocados. If they were still around, we’d kill them to protect our avocados!
Well, maybe it was an expression of God’s will, as some right-wing Evangelicals say.
Greens are the ‘vanity press’ of politics.
Their complex reasoning means nothing in this crisis. They are significant for one act only: They do not vote Democratic, and will waste their vote when it should be used against Republicans.