

Ryan Holle is serving a life sentence for murder. Not accessory to murder, but murder itself, on the theory that “The Hand of One is Hand of All”.

I agree. I don’t know if she was aware of it, but it is way creepy.

I’ve read that the impact on water doesn’t reliably kill jumpers. They are shown to have died from drowning (lungs filled with water, which doesn’t happen if you are dead while in the water). They should put up a sign on the bridge saying: “The fall won’t kill you. You will die from drowning, while you struggle to

I don’t know you. I don’t love you.

“The irony of enforcing masking laws to prosecute leftists is just incredible,” said Molly, a counterprotester from Charlottesville, Virginia, who traveled to Georgia to protest neo-Nazis. She asked that her last name not be published for fear of retribution. “Those are anti-Klan statutes.”

If he had attended, they would be saying:

I think that ‘shit’ is part of the problem associated with touching raw meat.

If the chickens that provided the leg quarters had ‘chicken scrapie’, then I am more likely to contract it by eating the meat, I think. In any case, neither I nor the chickens are eating the brains, which might also minimize risk.

Driver was drunk, but the others were drugged. It looks suspiciously like murder-suicide from my view.

I buy those 10-pound bags of “chicken leg quarters”. They cost very little (I’ve seen them at 30 cents per pound), and I de-bone them at home. The bones are set aside and frozen for stock. The meat is divided and vacuum-packed with a Food Saver, and frozen.

Hey! Don’t be like that!

Six foot wide, right? Not six inches?

Just sounds like being in a coffee shop. Conversation buzz is too indistinct to recognize words. There are several selections to choose from. You can go to their site to hear. I also downloaded as .mp3 for my computer to play offline.

I have made good use of Coffitivity, which has the ambient sounds of a coffee shop

I fixed that sentence for you!

I would pay money to see that Powerpoint showing how the USPS works!

4) If the driver fails to respond to warnings to retake control of the vehicle, it pulls over and slows to a stop, or it simply slows to a stop. If this happens more than two times, it deactivates the system entirely