
‘both are delusional’? Are you sure? Do both sides rely on comparably bad data? Are both sides comparably ignorant of history?

Those ‘grill marks’ are kind of interesting. They aren’t parallel. Wouldn’t a set of marks acquired by being placed on a hot grill be straight and parallel?

To be honest, I didn’t know what the Russian flag looks like, offhand. Now I do. It’s white, blue and red with TRUMP in the middle!

Gaah! Punctuation is so important!

I always threaded a Velcro strap into it, and used it to hold an umbrella when I lived in Portland, OR. I could whip out that umbrella like a swordsman in a movie.

Caitlyn has, well, how shall I say it . . . really . . . big . . . hands.

You are right, but maybe not for the reasons you think.

Holy crap! There’s turtles all the way down!

All I know is that the pointy end goes front. I’d never even noticed the little square cover.



They’re afraid of ‘extremists, kooks and radicals’?

When I worked in a lab, certain procedures required that a liquid solution be ‘de-gassed’ (NOT de-Gaussed) before using. Typically, this was done by putting the liquid in a flask, and pumping a vacuum. Under reduced pressure, bubbles of gas would form and rise to the surface to escape.

I would not have my honeymoon at Mar-A-Lago with President Trump in the vicinity. He would probably open the honeymoon suite with his master key and want to claim “jus primae noctis”.

I remember when Obama was visiting Brazil. An article showed the Faraday Cage tent that he would use for high-security briefings. It was designed so radio emissions would be intercepted and grounded out, to let electronics be used without worry of spying.

Yeah. I’ve said of Scalia that it would have been sufficient had he simply retired. But I’ll take what I can get.

At first, I thought that pissing on his grave might be more satisfying, but then again, he’d probably enjoy it.

Maybe . . . but you might find the price is very, very high.

At least he didn’t barf on the PM’s lap

Yeah. He has that “King Joffrey” vibe about him