
Damn! I thought I was doing an ‘efficient shopping walk’, but it turns out I’m doing a ‘stock clerk walk’.

Well, down the block from where I live in Las Cruces, we had a pretty OK Korean place that stayed in business for months before closing.

For some strange reason, when I am in a store, people assume I work there. I may have a shopping cart full of stuff, and I will still be stopped by people asking where they might find the shelf liners, or some such. It is very strange. I get asked “do you work here” pretty often.

Yukhoe [jukʰwe] is a variety of hoe (raw dishes in Korean cuisine), which are usually made from raw ground beef seasoned with various spices or sauces. It is basically a Korean steak tartare. Usually the most tender part of beef will be used. The beef is thinly julienned with the fat removed, then mixed with seasoning.

BCO generates a new meme every week. Sometimes several in a single week. There should be a FAQ, or something, for people coming in late, because the comments become incomprehensible with all the inside jokes.

You’ll save bread?

I’ve actually emailed the URL for a week’s BCO to my pastor, suggesting that he incorporate it into a sermon about giving Christ a bad name.

I’m pretty solidly religious, and I used to be pretty crazy (they let me out of the hospital after 2 weeks, but that might be because that’s all my insurance would pay for). Now that I take my meds pretty regularly, I am less outwardly crazy, but still religious.

I wonder if it was supposed to be a variant on leaving a place for Elijah.

There will also be another BCO at its reguarly-scheduled time on Monday, in addition to this shorter version.

Over at Kitchenette.jezebel.com, the Behind Closed Ovens discussion has a proposal that kids should learn basic worker rights. How to use the “Right to Know” bulletin board. What are your basic rights when you are injured on the job. Who to call about grievances. things like that.

I read a book by Mort Walker (of the Beetle Bailey cartoon strip), in which he described the origins of some of his characters. The character of “Killer” Diller was an Army buddy who constantly used a “two-word proposition, the first word being ‘wanna’”.

Thanks. That helps . . . but not enough. Do people dip cheese in butter and eat it with coffee beans? Am I not understanding something?

I know. Nowadays, when I see a bunch of people, I think to myself: “Any of these people might be a crazy psychopath customer with an allergy to red crunchies and a franchise in monogrammed coffee thermoses.” It makes me not want to leave the house.

Now’s the time when you tell us that the old dragon lady tried to set you up with her grandson, because damned if that doesn’t sound like the ‘traditional, ancient Chinese daughter-in-law hazing test’.

Woah. Congratulations for finding a decent guy. That’s a great silver lining.

I don’t care at all how big a wall of separation there is between corporate and franchise, the name on the sign is “McDonalds”. The corporation is licensing to franchisees, and should take care that things are done properly. This includes worker training and safety, consumer protection and good management. In

Isn’t there a “Workers’ Right to Know” board at the workplace?