Yup. Cats are top predators. As such, they are designed to go without food until they can take down prey. Feast and famine are the natural states of such animals. When my cats are picky, I just tell them to take down a dove or something.
Yup. Cats are top predators. As such, they are designed to go without food until they can take down prey. Feast and famine are the natural states of such animals. When my cats are picky, I just tell them to take down a dove or something.
What did I just watch? I kept expecting Hugh Hefner to show up at poolside.
Chopsticks are an excellent way to pull stray vials of frozen cells out of a liquid nitrogen flask.
Oh, man. Long ago, I was asked to give a short workshop for my co-workers on some basic computer use. I had two big rules that I put on the whiteboard:
Thanks, but I think you might be missing the point. The comment was not about people not knowing how to create a new folder, it’s about people not knowing how to learn on their own (or use easily-available tools to learn stuff). Instead, they complain, remain helpless and ask you to do it for them.
There came a point when my wife and I decided that we were ‘adults’, and so did not need to stay at the absolute cheapest motel as we were traveling. (This was after an experience of taking a shower with our shoes on, to avoid the . . . whatever . . . that was coating the floor of the cheap shower stall)
waitaminnit. Doesn’t everyone make tea with ‘boiling water’? Is there more to this than I am getting here?
I go to a church that is pretty informal. So much so that I was named Head Usher for a while.
AAAGH! I didn’t think of that at all! I am ashamed!
Their website has a linked video that shows the hot bun action. Can’t figure how to embed it here. My God! That giant bread bowl is supposed to be salad for one?
I’ve always wondered about schools that adopt the “Trojans” as their mascot. The Trojans lost their war with the Greeks for the dumbest of reasons.
cap off Thanksgiving dinner with a roll fight.
Taiyaki have a filling in them. Often it’s sweet red bean paste, but when we use them at home, my wife puts jam in them. They’re cute. When looking for a picture, I saw a Taiyaki setup that made a fish-shaped ice cream cone.
Come on! You have Marie Callendars! That’s got to be five times better than any Waffle House!
You were wise not to attempt any other work for a while. Shock will lead you to do even worse damage to yourself.
Woah. You mean, they actually supplied you with safety equipment, and you refused it? That’s bad. Most of the kitchen injury stories here feature situations in which safeties are not offered or are explicitly refused, leading to injury.
Well, in California, personal exemption rates appear to be more common among Republicans, although being wealthy is also associated with vaccine exemptions:
Well, if you figure that black slaves were considered as draft animals, and history does not generally detail the treatment or condition of farm animals, then a ‘pure’ education about the Confederacy would not include any black history, any more than it would include a history of cattle.