Ever wished you could easily share your collection of PDFs, DIY books, or magazines? Adafruit has a guide to turn a…
Ever wished you could easily share your collection of PDFs, DIY books, or magazines? Adafruit has a guide to turn a…
the app allows to customize the phrase you wake the device with, doesn’t it? so name one of'em Zacharias and another one Polly and there you go.
Cool I mentioned this in a video I made about mimicking Moto X features on any phone.
Addendum: Green onions are incredibly easy to grow. Stick 'em in a glass of water by the window, cut the tops as needed. Just make sure you leave the root and enough green for it to grow back. A cheap way to keep a constant supply of flavor at the ready.
elon (EE-lahn) verb - to break the testing machine
I was thinking about duranium alloy. The next version will have multiphasic shields and quantum torpedoes.
Somewhere, in Sweden, a nice yet boring man scowled for a brief moment, adjusted his tie, and got to work.
And faster!
I use dropbox mainly for school. I save any documents I create in there so I have easy access to them, which is incredibly useful if I finish something ahead of time then forget to print it. I fell victim to this once and lost marks for handing it in late, and vowed to find a better way. I also save all notes,…
I typically have no issue buying generics, but I usually find it cheaper to buy one of the brand name products that's on sale (think groceries). I think the best thing to do is to be loyal to the lowest costing equivalent and not to a brand. I love Coke, but if Pepsi products are on sale I'll buy Mountain Dew.
If you have a little space between your fridge and the retaining wall next to it, or any space about six inches…