I assumed this was reverse pregnancy:
I assumed this was reverse pregnancy:
And here's 20 minutes of new MGSV footage
Someone make the remake based on this guy's FF7 webcomic that retells and deconstructs the entire game's story:
But in this image I can still see her *Dark Pit.*
Hows this?
A cameo is all I ask.
1988 you say...? I smell a Shemue crossover coming....
Fun is completely subjective. If it's impressive for the time, ambitious, groundbreaking, and an important piece of gaming history, it sounds like it was a pretty great game. And a lot of us did find it fun.
They were only suggesting "Robin', which wouldn't be that out of place.
Just played through the whole thing.. It is in good hands.. best horror game i have played in years.. And that was only a demo... In one fuc*ing hallway... A fu*ing demo is now something i will be comparing horror games to..
This doesn't look to be a valid case. I can see a few problems.
This isn't even a question.
I don't think we are talking about the same program. If you open Unity (I am using Unity4) — up at the top there is a 2D/3D button .. here I will take a screen shot. See .. perfectly easy to create a fun, exciting, 2D game.
The new updated Unity has both a 3D engine and a 2D engine and a hybrid. So when you are first learning Unity, it is far easier to learn the 2D first and then go on to Temple Run and learn 3D. From first hand experience, Flappy Bird is a great game for learning Unity. It is easy to understand sprites, objects,…
Apparently Yoshi P doesn't sleep. During the night overseeing the development of FFXIV and during the day waiting tables. Mad respect. :P
Exactly. I'm sure he's still recovering from his knee injury and doesn't want to re-injure it with the season coming up fairly soon.
you can't blame him for that, he's suffering from a knee injury
That's why Silicon Valley is so goddamn good.
Not recognizing Tetris was a mightier blow to me...