The characters in GTA she refers to were supposed to be stereotypical, drug abusing, fame hungry child stars who think the Sun shine out of their own arse. There are no redeeming features in any of them whatsoever and were only designed to be an archtype.

But the Ps4 isn't a PC. PCs have OS overhead and far less optimization capability. They could make it look like this on PS4 easily. This is a product of cross gen.

Wow. Once again, another game that is not releasing on the Wii U platform....

Your loss. The Guardian and Junction system were truly unique to the series and gave you complete control to build a party and power up characters early on. Played right, you don't even need these cheats because within hours you can boost your stats to stupid levels and farm higher level items off some Gskills.

Because SE knows that once they make VII its a make or break game, all or nothing, VII is a franchise to itself. VII CAN'T fail, there's literally no room for fail.

In the same vein...this needs to be re-released soon.

Give Nomura a chance. He's not Motomu Toriyama. I mean compare Kingdom Hearts to the XIII trilogy. Apples and oranges? Who the hell cares?

Chopin made sentient music? :O

Bonus points for you

I think I'd sync them to do Gee, instead, but yeah, pretty much!

Story is the weakest part of the MGS series???? Lol everyone complained that the games had TOO much story for them to handle. Who the f wrote this? lol

It hasn't reached Shenmue III status yet... That's the gold® standard.

At this point, the collective pining-away for BGE2 is crossing the threshold into The Last Guardian/Final Fantasy Versus XIII (FFXV) territory. But there's still some hope that that we'll get another game set on Hyllis, which is the worst part. Two years ago, Ancel said that BGE2 would have to wait for another

I would call Trigger the epitome of nostalgia. Gameplay-wise it is the same as virtually every RPG of its time. Story-wise, it was largely segmented, and unimpressive. Character-wise... it has one of least memorable cast I've ever seen. The problem is probably that I didn't play it at launch, but a decade later due to

It's pretty disappointing that the target to show this off was 32fps and not 60. If the demo is at 30'ish we can expect much lower performance outside of this perfect scenario as far as infrastructure.

3) Both are true until until someone opens the box.

Questions is, did he rike it?