Wow, nobody wanted Sailor Venus!? More V for me ;p

8Bit has limitations, in colors and how many sprites you can have on screen. I have seen very little developers use the 8 bit model correctly, and my best example is Retro Game Challenge on the DS. This is more reminiscent of those old computer games from the early 90s. It is beautiful nonetheless.

Uhmm, that isn't 8-bit.

Sabin's Fists, Final Fantasy 6

Exactly. It's not just him. He's ruined Let's Play. For every ChipCheezum, there's ten Markipliers.

Somebody on Reddit linked a video explaining, but I don't remember the name. Basically, Youtube makes revenue off of Let's Plays, so they promo'd him in recommended, and he's lived in several countries in Europe + he speaks English. This equals a creator with a large demographic in many countries, ending in his

Didn't he get to the top of Youtube because he abused/took advantage of some sort of system Youtube uses for "recommended" channels or something?

I've never understood the appeal either. He's a bit too.... juvenile, perhaps, for my liking. There's a ton of people making great, smart, fairly well-scripted, shot, and edited content on there and it bums me out to see what he does inevitably being so insanely popular. The people have spoken, though, I suppose.

PewDiePie is for gaming what Bieber is for music: crappy.

Jesus I hate this guy

well...he just acts half retarded, yelling and screaming and little kids and immature people love it....so he makes millions...stupid, idiocracy

Exactly! He was just slightly confused on his identity. But after what he went through and the burden of carrying on Zack's dreams could cause some issues.

Here it is. He sent this, and another one, which was signed by everyone on the 22Cans team.

I came for the porn, I stayed for the dancing.

Now playing

It's still not as weird as certain Retsupurae videos though.

Someone has to say it:

"eats cheese and wine"

AC Initiates integration includes controversial new "Real Life" missions that will test whether you are prepared to kill actual people to prove your dedication to Ubisoft.