It's Doesn't Exist City, because this guy is a Republican troll.
It's Doesn't Exist City, because this guy is a Republican troll.
I’m not looking for guidance on when it’s okay to fuck from someone who’s voluntarily celibate and views “caresses” made by the clergy as adultery.
Go away with your stupid hypothetical of “what if the thiefs went on to do X if the police didn’t catch them” argument. What ACTUALLY HAPPENED was a police decision led to a crash that killed someone. Shouldn’t we try to avoid that as it happens A LOT? I could argue to your scenario “What if the thiefs went on to…
Damn, you sure did knock down that straw man you set up!
“and possibly shot and killed one or more people in the process”
I can play the “What about game” all day long also, quite pointless isn’t it?
I wonder how many times “It’s party time!” was said over their radios.
It’s risk assessment at that point. One could legitimately argue that the Fusion and a handful of police cars flying around public roads at high speeds and driving through red lights and stop signs is far more dangerous than the chance of another car-jacking. This incident kind of supports that theory given that…
Shouldn’t you give more weight to the real bad thing that actually happened than to the multiple hypothetical bad things that might have happened but didn’t?
RV =/= Camping
First they came for the dirt bikes, and I did not speak out— because I was not a flatbiller.
I used to camp a lot along the Blue Ridge Parkway in VA and NC, would drive out with my bike and my tent and ride for a long weekend. Nothing like crisp mountain air, dark skies, and a freak’n generator ruining it all 50 feet away. It was sometimes quieter at my house in Richmond. ‘Eff people wo run generators at…
yeah, I hate to sound like a privileged ‘NIMBY’er (and I understand the drawbacks), but the cacophony of the small gasoline engine is not something I’m going to miss
If you’re uncomfortable with being outside, then stay inside. Seriously though if it’s dangerously hot don’t go camping.
I’m okay with this, I actually hate generators while camping.
Anyone who didn’t think Elon’s first love would always be his work himself reeeeally wasn’t paying attention.
Also, while we’re persnicketying about space things, whether Europa is actually 390.4 million miles from Earth depends on when we’re asking.
mandatory castration for men who refer to women as objects
Hi i live in a quite socialist country and i feel quite free. Then again i am not afraid to be shot as soon as i leave my house or meet a cop so our definition of free might differ.