
Zombie Apocalypse tool kit. Needs more Mini Gun

I, for one, am shocked, SHOCKED, to hear that a former officer of the law was anything less than 100% reliable and trustworthy when speaking under oath.

Yeah, it’s probably capable of 20 gpm, as opposed to 20 mpg...

Hood’s assertion that he left the police force in good standing is probably quite accurate, despite pleading guilty to a felony charge...

In before the “BUT MAH BRUTHER ONLY SURVIVED BECUZ HE WAS EJECTED!!11oneone” guy shows up.

We can rule out alcohol being involved. Ever try to find alcohol (besides 3.2 beer) in Moab?

No, it’s not. Don’t talk to cops without a lawyer. Ever.

No, it’s not. I’ve seen more people talk their way into charges than out of them in my career, and lots of them were actually and factually innocent.

basically any cop procedural on TV like blue bloods, 9-1-1, shades of blue, LAs finest, SWAT, third watch, Chicago PD, NCIS, Live PD, Walker, COPS etc... you know, white boomer shows.

really any show that deifies, humanizes, or attempts to center police as protagonists in anything.

The entire Law and Order franchise

Now playing

I agree that this looks SUPER bad for him, but in his position I would 100% not talk to the police either. There are zero upsides and many, many, many downsides. 

I’m struggling with what I know is deep-seated classism on my part. To me, there’s something extra gross about this event now that so many on the guest list are YouTubers/Influencers-essentially pitchmen and spokesmodels. It felt more glamorous and legitimate and less crass when it was primarily legitimate

Alanis was my first post-covid concert last month. Between not realizing how much I missed live music and my teenage girl fandom coming out, it exceeded all expectations and was a very emotional experience. Seeing someone not much older than me speaking her truth had such an impact. It was like we’d grown up as

The purpose of subsidy is to incentivize certain behaviors. They are inherently political.

I have spent the last 18 or so months reconditioning and enjoying a 2002 LeMans Blue M5 and have been following prices on BAT religiously ever since prices started to get crazy. The car had roughly 125K miles on it and while the previous two owners had performed and documented most of the things that needed to be done

On my flight home from Charlotte, a woman standing at the gate started to throw a fit about wearing a mask, and the (sassy) gate attendant simply said, “Ma’am, I don’t get paid enough to deal with your shit. You sit your ass down and put on your mask.

They always look like you expect them to.

In addition to criminal charges, which great, seem to be increasing, stick these morons immediately on the no fly list. Air travel is not a right, if you demonstrate you can’t handle it, you get to fly never.

Am in the midst of the struggle now - DMV offices in Oregon are ‘appointment only’, get ready to wait 2 months from today to get your title.

Car is obviously in the Portland area, which is amazing, as so am I, and there’s a guy up the street from me that has one like this, only his is white.  I stopped and talked to him about it.  Yes, it’s that bad.  

ND/CP ALL DAY!  “Hand built” means shit doesn’t fit very well, and GOD HELP YOU if you have a crash.