
He’s dead, like all of our souls. Shove a half pound of roast beef into the void where your soul’s corpse rots to keep it company. Eat Arby’s.

I know it’s pointless to engage because you aren’t arguing in good faith, but

It’s so cool how the New York Times bends over backwards to give a platform and voice to people who want me dead because of the color of my skin.

It’s called “Whataboutism” and it’s a much used deflection tool in this administration.

Thanks for removing all doubt that you are in fact a drooling moron.

I will perpetually hate Avatar for one reason (over all the other ones): Unobtainium.

Found David Miscavige’s account.

Michael Bay’s Titanic made a much more explosive impact than Cameron’s.

Technically from “Alien”, which wasn’t Cameron’s.

In other news, water is wet.

Good. I’m glad she’s miserable.

You joke but it would not surprise me if what you posted turns out to be true.

No one still knows where the Fuck their leaders wife is.

that *was* helpful!

Yup, I believe this. This makes it harder to watch 70's show reruns with my mom (it was hard enough in the first place when I found the show to be a abominable regurgitation of every 90s sitcom trope with a poorly executed gimmick).

Wow, you think he might actually challenge the fabled “Toback Threshold?”

She accused him and his lawyer said something like “you can’t rape your spouse.” Which I think was legally true at the time, but morally repugnant. 

Yeah, but Louis doesn’t have a multi-billion dollar entity with no sense of scale or morality backing him up. Scientology has actually killed people to”protect” itself.

Normally I would be really skeptical about these sorts of claims, but if you look into Scientology’s past, this wouldn’t even be in the Top 10 of hard-to-believe stories that turned out to be true.

*No Ketchup Required