
Alien, Blade Runner and ...?

Maybe he’s bothered his entire fortune is built upon apartheid emerald money from his parents.

How about castration by shotgun the first time you commit statutory or non-statutory rape?

Italians speak with many accents. Italian Americans speak like mall trash.

Surprised she and Aaron Rodgers didn’t work out because he’s even better at bitching about imagined grievances and slights than he is at throwing a football.

Not to mention opiates are intravenous, not intramuscular. This is why heroin addicts use tourniquets. Shocking so many journalists and especially music journalists couldn’t take the 2 seconds to google this if they didn’t have any working knowledge of this.  Well...I guess not shocking.

The shareholders own the packers as much as you own a star when you get a star named after someone.

Maybe because she defends Matt Lauer even though he literally had a rape button in his office and scrubbed the more racist screeds by Ruth Bader Gisburg to protect her legacy (as if her legislative record didn’t expose who RGB cares about)?

Maybe because she defends Matt Lauer even though he literally had a rape button in his office and scrubbed the more racist screeds by Ruth Bader Gisburg to protect her legacy (as if her legislative record didn’t expose who RGB cares about)?

She did marry and fuck her cousin, so she’s into some weird ass shit too. British royals are a bunch of inbred hillbillies.

Positions he stuck to: getting Bill Barr to pardon him for his role in Savings & Loan scandal, brutal racism to Asian people, being a terrible pilot, and threatening Iran.

I mean if you didn’t read the article and comment, fine but the picture is very obviously a picture of a high centered trailer.  Which is the fault of the driver.

Careful, she’ll sue you for saying something like that.  Like she sued a journalist for having the audacity to write that her name isn’t Rebel (it isn’t) and that she’s lying about her age (she was).

While you’ve been navel gazing and advocating against raising the floor of labor income prices have been continuously increasing - especially housing - the whole damn time while minimum wage hasn’t increased.

I’m not currently in a union but wouldn’t cross a picket line ever. It’s called solidarity if you give a shit about labor.

man is that “alleged” straining under the weight.

This comment paid for by BLUE EMU

To be fair just finishing that race is an enormous accomplishment and a testament to their endurance (and doping regime).

A lethal amount of the appetite suppressing suckers she hawked, I hope.

Stephanie Grisham is right. Stephanie Grisham cannot be redeemed.