Dan Hubel

This guy isn’t cheesy?

I don’t understand this line of thinking. Black Lightning films in Atlanta, and the rest of the shows film in Vancouver. Any crossover would require travel, and logistically it just seems to make way more sense to fly him up to Canada than any of them down to Georgia.

Nope, you’re a thief. Those bottles are communal for customers eating in. It would be like taking the salt and pepper shakers or ketchup bottle from another restaurant.

Getting a tattoo = not caring about your body? Fuck off.

We’re getting 8 years of trump aren’t we?

You’re right. Paying off debt isn’t fun. An article making it out to be easy and pain-free would be misrepresenting that.

If wage equality is communism...you know what? Never mind. This article is reporting what happened, so take that up with Jessica Chastain.

Yeah but Victorian 18 is, like, present-day 31.

I’ve been offered seats because people thought I was pregnant. I smile and take the seat because there needs to be some net positive for me out of that.

As far as I know, they have always been a bank.

Or go to literally any other banking institution, since they have been so unreliable...

I am really annoyed with how they’re handeling the scheduling to be honest. We get three more weeks of Supergirl, then nine weeks of Legends, then Supergirl finishes off the season in June. Its kind of a round about way of doing it. I kind of just wish they put Legends at the Monday at 9:00 slot.

I like it. But even more I like that Dibny is no longer hassaring the female Team Flash members.

But to go so far as a ban rather than just attempt to reduce the massive amount of unnecessary waste is absurd.

Do you really want an episode of The Flash where they retread basically everything we’ve seen this season brought up again as evidence? Or basically Law and Order: Metahumans?

Did none of you read the last paragraph?

This was a bad date. She had a horrible date with a clueless guy who thought he was being sexy and hot. She was made to feel uncomfortable, and it wasn’t right.

Meanwhile adults can’t, amirite?

There’s no way anybody is kicking him out because he actually responded to a comic book troll question. Especially after all the shit he has already did.

I want to know who makes it to 18 without seeing a squirrel.