
what is this week’s Corpse Run about? 

Japan is getting really creative with its subway adverts!

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There was no sound in the video but hey, how is this going to be pronounced in japan? Bii-Roido? Boi-Roido? BOI BOI? HHHAHAHAHA

the broadcast on Disney XD so yeah...

(late reply is late) but hey there is a product called the “J Dome” that i saw a while back. Its a projected bubble for your PC..... are you making something like that? If that guy really built that starwars thing, for the same price he probably could have just purchased one. It IS out in the west.

OH man sorry I am just seeing this. I was in Japan back in November so while I really would love to have done that I had left a long time ago. Is Gundam ExVS 2 still Location Testing!? You got Pics?

That Cammy is scary. Yikes. What a face...... eeeew.

I wish..... but its a little too late. It didnt really age too well and network linked games with a spectator/command style hub cabinet don’t seem to be a thing in the US. Every arcade had at least 4 of these pods. Thinking on it now.... I DID see a 4v4 battle taking place at one in Osaka(I think?) but there was also

This is a great list and I own most of these games! While my laptop has plenty of ram, it only has an integrated windows graphics chip so...... almost all 3d games do not work properly. My laptop could not run Darkest Dungeon, thankfully steam refunded my purchase. SkyRogue however worked very well and was a great

this game, “Gundam Harmony of the Battlefield” or something like that, was at every arcade I went to and barely anyone was playing it. It is possible to do single player and while I am glad I was able to do so, the gameplay itself is not necessarily the most engaging.

I love the Soul Calibur games. Even when they start to get a little strange. The time surrounding the release of the first one on the DC, the insane competition of 2 that led into 3's eventual glitch exploit fest. These games are tied to some of the best videogame memories I have. I didn’t really play 4. 5 was great

I got this at launch from amazon. Will they price match me now that its 20$ cheaper? I will put it toward Dragon Ball Fighter Z.

I got this at launch from amazon. Will they price match me now that its 20$ cheaper? I will put it toward Dragon

Griefing: People still do this!?

Just get it already. It really is that good. The dripfeed of new elements via cutscenes will have veterans rolling their eyes at first but the sheer volume of quests and overall presentation and the fluidity of action will be sure to please.

yeah same. The staff interviews after the credits stated their intent as being a children’s/family film. After seeing it I realized that there were no instances of anyone hitting anyone physically at all. It was very non violent.

I was just there in November. Great time to go! Why wife and I hiked the whole thing. So many Tori gates!!! So many micro shrines! So many HUGE spiders (they arent in the way though).

A tone deaf trailer for a game pegged as copycat try-hard knock off of Overwatch that somehow undoes what little charm or whimsy that came with the vanilla version.... or maybe they are catering to their actual audience better than I realize.

this is maybe his most technical short yet!! Great work!!!


There are no decals for the mobile suits.