
Keep it coming! I love this series! I am going to interpret the “senobi pantsu” as like “Big Girl pants”, which would be how Cloud would think of those underwear at the time he viewed it, and as in a mocking term for both acknowledging Tifa’s current age and her juvenile adherence to a talisman (those pantsu) what

There were G fighters in the past few games and they were great. Most likely will be DLC.

You forgot Gundam Versus on PS4. September 29!!

Totally buying it again. The Odin Sphere re release on PS4 was gorgeous and this will probably be as well. Can’t wait!

even with japanese text, the instructions are mostly visual and are easy to understand.

Not a bad way to go about this actually. I have a 4K TV and if I could play UHD blurays I totally would. Really surprised PS4-Pro does not have that feature...

My wife and I recently got some Bulletproof coffee brand ground coffee (as part of a keto baking ingredient order) and we made it per the recommendation on the side of the bag with Ghee(regular kind) and Emulsified MCT oil (this does not taste so great on its own). I put it in my blender (like it says on the bag) and


Mario is a human in the same way that Homer Simpson is a human in their respective dimensions. When juxtaposed into another reality with the added texture of that other reality’s physical make up their respective appearances will be jarring.
Really I just wanted any excuse to show these two screen shots next to one

its back!

Forgive me if I am wrong here but; Is Rockman and Forte included in this collection? It uses so much of Megaman 7. Was that game ever released in the west?

Let’s hope he doesn’t call him something stupid like “Newbie” or anything in the US release.

Tim! Yes! This type of thing is really interesting and I can’t wait for the next installment!
Barret cursing in the US release was a big deal at the time. I know swears in Japanese are lot less.... “sweary” and are used on even “kids” shows so it will be interesting to hear an explanation as to how his dialogue will

sorta related: Who drew that that splash art. Both are fantastic.

My wife and I are going to Tokyo in the fall and I wanted to go here. What were some of your favorite spots in Goldengai? Food or cool bars etc

corrections- Should that be “Metro City Bay Area”?


i really just want him to put a shirt on.....

holy shit need this guy to come out already on all platforms. I need the gunjack skin. He looks so cool!

I love watching UMVC3 high level play. These comebacks! The huge swings! Its still so hype, I would gladly take DLC forever over any sequel.