
Activity engaged in for pleasure or amusement is literally the definition of the word game in English, the language of the cartoon, your response, and my reply. So yes, it is ABOUT FUCKING FUN, which you just sucked out of the room.

Dude, it’s a memorial letter for a beloved game developer. Pick your damn battles.

As the creator of the Tumblr, I must say that this is the pinnacle. I made io9’s front page!

Still one of the best moments in Saga or any comic, really.

I could’ve sworn there was already a Warcraft movie. In fact, I seem to recall it was a Starcraft/Warcraft crossover movie, where the Terrans invade Azeroth and set fire to Teldrassil. Surprisingly, Night Elf Hunters and Rogues are able to beat Valkyries and Goliaths.

According to a new report from Huffington Post, the nonprofit who released the video may have “deceived” the IRS about its mission.


Not lying is a Commandment. Incredible how they claim to do these things in the name of God and yet fail to uphold the very basic principles of which Christianity was founded on. Frauds, liars, charlatans and grifters.

Bit Easier to zoom in with a camera than it is with a water bucket.

Because the drone could crash into the helicopter, damage it, and cause all 9500 litres of water w/ bonus helicopter to fall into the fire.

It’s well within fair use since the images are intended to be humorous and couldn’t be construed to be part of the Star Wars franchise.

I think this falls under Fair Use because it’s parody.

If you fly your drone over a wilfdfire to dick around, your drone gets shot down and you pay a $10,000 fine. Actually, I’m being too lenient there.

smart, talented, and a badass bitch.

I’ve never seen losers have so many monuments across a country they wanted to leave, they seceded from America!

I’ll be impressed when I can play Arkham Knight inside Doom...or on PC

Yo dawg I heard you like playing DOOM, so we put a DOOM in your DOOM so you can play while you play

I’m assuming you can get this set up to run an infinite amount of Doom in Doom .