“This did make us aware that we need some kind of abstinence or sex ed program,”

Clearly you don’t understand the power of God’s love.

Nobody is insulting anyone with dietary issues. Simmer down, son.

Here, let me help.

The only crime I see here is the vertical video.

I worked for a huge chemical company that banned microwave popcorn because too many people couldn't keep from burning it in the microwave :/

UGH, enough with these half talents trying to act and sing. They just cannot do it. Katya was the only tolerable one.

“The View” is like my grandmothers.

stop the thread right here. (before me)

Thanks, but I’m just about done taking political advice from dead white guys.

When straight characters express love/sexuality, it’s normal! When gay characters express love/sexuality, it’s pandering!

If that’s how you choose to view it.

Yeah I feel like there should be the highest levels of scrutiny for ANY group applying for tax-free status. I don’t have a problem with that at all.

And to be clear: the IRS was perfectly justified in investigating the tax-free status of Tea Party non-profits which don’t provide any actual benefit to society at large.

I like her - a lot - and I’m not freaking out. None of this is news, and none of it is insurmountable.

Nah. You were too generous. She doesn’t care about all white women.

she then asks Rand Paul: “Did you get overly emotional?”

Could be another example of Megyn Kelly caring about issues that directly affect Megyn Kelly....